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School Performance Report

martha lake Elementary

School Mission

We work together to continue our commitment in ensuring our students grow academically, meeting social-emotional needs first. Positive relationships and communication are a priority to ensure Martha Lake is a thriving school. Our diverse student body includes students who speak over 39 different languages, with Spanish and Portuguese heading the list. Our students also span a wide socio-economic range, differently abled, and identities.

School Information

View the plan to achieve equity, engagement, and excellence for our students:

martha lake Elementary School Improvement Plan

View enrollment, demographics, teacher information and State test scores:

martha lake Elementary Washington State Report Card

Martha Lake Elementary entrance

About our Building

Opened: 1993
Square footage: 50,753

We are proud that our school facility is used extensively by our community for meetings, events and youth activities.

Edmonds School District logo

Our Mission

Our mission is to advocate for each and every student by providing learning environments that embrace their cultural and linguistic diversity as an asset that will prepare them for success as lifelong learners and responsible world citizens.

Invitation to Participate

We embrace reciprocal partnerships with our families to meet them where they are and honor and respect their cultural and lived experiences. One of our strategic goals is to communicate and partner with families and community members so they understand their role in supporting the students in our district.


Committees and Parent Groups

Districtwide Funds

2024-25 General Fund budgeted expenditures:

Cost Center


Basic Ed. - Classroom 52.9%
Special Education 17.0%
Other Grants/Programs 13.2%
Basic Ed. -Admin & Support 10.8%
Pupil Transportation 4.3%
Food Services 1.8%